9th Formby Scout Group Policies
It’s the policy of The Scout Association to safeguard the welfare of those members aged under 18 as well as adults at risk by protecting them from neglect and from physical, sexual and emotional harm. The Safeguarding Policy is for everyone in The Scouts and includes all volunteers and staff. The ‘Yellow Card’ sets out a Code of Practice, which is essential for all adults in Scouts to follow. Where there are concerns that an adult volunteer or staff member has not followed the code of practice or procedures, the matter must be reported to the Safeguarding team who will co-ordinate any investigation in partnership with the appropriate commissioner.
All uniformed leaders must complete a safety and safeguarding course.
Membership and Joining Policy
This policy applies to the Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs and Scout sections within the 9th Formby Scout Group. It enables us to effectively and fairly manage the children joining and moving within the 9th Formby Scout Group. This policy is operated without discrimination in relation to race, colour, gender, education, national origin, religion or creed, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
When places are available within the 9th Formby Scout Group they are allocated in the following order of priority. We cannot guarantee this due to agreed maximum numbers for each section.
- Existing members of the 9th Formby Scout Group moving between sections.
- Children of current uniformed Leaders or formal Section Assistants, Instructors, and other key roles within the Group, including new adults joining the Group in these roles.
- Those with siblings already invested in the 9th Formby Scout Group.
- Those who are currently invested as members of another Scout Group, at the date of applying to join 9th Formby Scout Group.
- All others not covered by the above criteria, in the order of the date they applied to join 9th Formby Scout Group.
The joining policy is also used in conjunction with any wait listing. This means that it is possible that children who are added to any applicable waiting list may end up as a lower priority than children who apply to join the waitlist at a later stage. In this case the higher priority children will be offered an available place before the lower priority children
Forfeit of Membership
If a young person, with the agreement of their parent/guardian, decides they wish to leave a section, they will forfeit their membership of the 9th Formby Scout Group.
When a young person makes the decision to leave a section they will not be entitled to a place in the next section. They must join the waiting list for the relevant section.
If a young person fails to attend regular section meetings for four occasions in a row, without their parent/guardian contacting the section leader to provide a satisfactory explanation, they will forfeit their membership of the 9th Formby Scout Group.
Subscription (Subs)
Subs are paid on a monthly basis by standing order or direct debit. Failure to do this and maintain payments could result in the young person forfeiting their place at the 9th Formby Scout Group. Parents/Guardians can contact the section leader or Group Scout Leader if there are any problems paying subs.
Church Parades
9th Formby (St Peters) Scout Group participate in Sunday Morning Church parades. There are around 6/7 Church Parades each year at St Peters Church from 09:45 to 11am on a Sunday Morning. We recognise these can clash with sports/holidays but as a group we have an expectation that all members do their best to attend as many Church parades as possible.
A reminder we are always looking for volunteers to join us as Uniformed Leaders or Formal Section Assistants. Whatever role you feel suits and however much time you can commit to, your help and support would be very much appreciated. If you would like to get involved and help us run 9th Formby Scouts please let us know.
Parent Rota
9th Formby Scouts operate a Parent Rota. Each term parents are asked to select 1 or 2 weekly sessions that they can help out at. Each section also hold other activities throughout the year, for example hikes or camps, where they need additional help. Getting involved in the sessions provides parents with an opportunity to see the sort of activities their children get up to on a weekly basis. Parent support is vital to us and parents being prepared to offer occasional help by participating in the parent rota.